Kozmosz 2000 vegzet asztrologia ezoterika

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Caravaggio was the soothsayer image, which depicts a palm reader at work. The painting comes from 1594-95, now in the Paris Louvreban.

Human palms main lines:
1 Lifeline,
2 Head line,                          
3 Heart Line
4 Venus girdle,
5 Day-line
6 Mercury-line
7 Fate Line.
In palmistry, or kiromantia or chiromantia (Greek chiromanteia, the report cheir hand, the prediction is manteia) the individual characterization and prediction of future analysis and study of the palm, also known as kézolvasásként and palm reading. This type of divination spread around the globe, many cultural differences. For those of you who are doing palmistry, kiromanta, often is referred to as palm reader, palm reader and kézolvasó name. The science of palm reading widely regarded as pseudoscience.
The history of modern palmistry can be traced back to the Roman and Indian soothsayers, but this palm astronauts when the ancient traditional methods of psychology, healing and other forms of divination well blended.
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