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Self-medication, self-medication


The self-medication (English: self-medication), the patient's call, which is a medical expert control without medication, in most cases [1] [2]. Is a form of self-medication without the supervision of a patient's behavior, which is the result of subjective symptoms and in patients with medicines which are used for the specialist. Self healing human behavior when the individual does not apply diagnosed by a doctor and a prescription for medication did not treat the disease. The psychology uses the specific context of such behavior on lifestyle drugs (recreational drugs, psychoactive drugs, alcohol, and other self-soothing behaviors). [3] Alleviate the psychological symptoms of stress and anxiety, including mental illness and / or psychological trauma [4], [5], in particular, are unique and provide a basis for the physical and mental health in serious damage if it is motivated by the addictive mechanisms.

Responsible self-medication, self-medication is part of the health-conscious, self responsibility for determining a person's life. [6] That is why it is very important to build on our knowledge of health and medicine when an application we choose not only from advertising inquiring. Take seriously the phrase has often been said:. "... Ask your doctor or pharmacist"

A reliable and timely access to medical care can be problematic in many cases. As a result, use of certain drugs to the patient prior to diagnosis and treatment to be able to their complaints

Self-medication is often considered drugs of person in respect of the acquisition of independence. [9] Buying a means of self-medication and non-prescription medicines you are taking. The most important aspect of the strategy is to identify the patient's risk factors, and it learns to be set up and choice of medication for self-diagnosis in the circumstances. The key to successful self-management strategy that will help the simple definition of a disease or condition of the patient's drug response.

In general, the benefits of self-medication:

100% compliance
prevent nosocomial infection
increase the patient's sense of responsibility for their own health

Disadvantages of self-medication:

adverse effects on reproduction (impairment paracetamol, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
interactions increase
Due to a misdiagnosis of non-healing aggravation
dosing errors due to loss of recovery due to toxic blood levels or low doses

Aspects of Self Healing
Pill box. Of 2008. July.
A tooth abscess inflammation of the 3rd day medical care. 2010th September.
DALY appendicitis by country (per 100,000 inhabitants). 2009th November.
Anatomical areas, where the pain is much more common case of appendicitis. Require medical attention. Of 2008. September.
Blepharitis. 2012th May.

Responsible self-medication [10], self-healing part of the health-conscious, self responsibility for determining a person's life. So it is very important to build on their health knowledge and application of a drug when we choose not only from advertising inquiring. Take seriously the phrase has been said many times: "... ask your doctor or pharmacist." Taking control of non-medical prescription drugs (self-medication), a number of well-known hazard. Risky, medication without supervision because unfortunately once medical negligence, for example. Recipes in order, automatic writing, megíratása the asszisztenciával, issued without medical examination. Without much less dangerous for nonprescription drugs you are taking, but it is not dangerous, so the following points should be considered:

Hits to the particular disease under the symptom? (Eg, common cold, flu or common cold time of the error)
The disease is known exactly, but to find the most effective medicine? (For example, cough expectorants or cough, or some combination of these may be more appropriate?)
If you manage to hit the therapy, and it is the best medicine, then the other question is whether it is appropriate for the individual, there are no contraindications for any individual patient? (For example, some pain medication should not be taken in patients with glaucoma)
If you managed to get over this pitfall, it still remains to be solved questions. If multiple identical active drug-containing medicines - medicines that do not reveal the name - can lead to dangerous overdoses.
And we have not dealt with issues of how long to take, should be taken before or after a meal, what are the foods that are not recommended him so.
Do not let us take a prescription medication that was prescribed by the doctor not us, and not anything that was written in the past, but still left. Prescription products we use only under medical supervision, and follow the instructions exactly.
If anything we are challenged with the drug (eg, allergic reactions, drug interactions), be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist!
Many of the same active ingredient but different fancy name drugs, which may lead to drug overdose. Always look at the composition of the active drug and seek advice when purchasing a pharmacist.
The self-medication should not take 3-7 days. If you have not diminished during this time the symptoms become severe or even possibly return in a short period of time, seek medical attention immediately. The same can I do if side effects while taking the drug experience.
The application of medicines, special attention should be paid to certain population groups, such as. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, small children, etc.. In their case, many medications are contraindicated or dosage than usual.
Also make sure that the medicine used to eat before, after or during advising taken because the diet can significantly affect the absorption of certain drugs.
Do not allow ourselves to severe pain, but seek immediate medical attention!
Alcohol should not be taken with medications?
If you are selected in relation to the drug are uncertain exactly what is truth or what problem we took in the past, also ask your pharmacist!
There are pills you see a special film coating to make them in the

Avoid contact with the gastric drug. Such tablets should not be broken or chewed because the film coating is damaged. But it is also generally true that most drugs (tablets, capsules, patches, suppositories) is no longer divided into smaller parts.

Diseases that can be healed


The common cold is not caused by influenza viruses of the same, which is always a high temperature (39 ° C)>, head and limb pains associated. If the cold nose dripping mucus clear, breathing is difficult. The common cold is usually not associated with fever, now refers to the appearance of complications. Another complication is indicated if the exhaled nasal mucus color approaching, the greenish yellow secretions suggest the presence of bacteria is six. The váladéktól the organization sneezing, coughing trying to get rid of.
100 mg of vitamin C three times a day you take, drink plenty of fluids. Against nasal congestion, nasal drops can be used, but keep in mind that children often do not receive drugs available for adults! In reducing the symptoms of colds combined preparation and to increase the secretion felköhögésének buy köptetőket.

Generally dry and wet (or otherwise non-productive and productive) cough distinguished, depending on whether it goes when secretions from the respiratory tract or not. Both types can be a characteristic that has been thought of certain diseases on the basis of sound. First task is to clarify the reasons, if not ordinary common cold, meghűlésről is the case, seek medical attention.
Needed for cough medicine to influence the usefulness depending. A wet cough can only be absorbed if the patient is very intense and very tiring, possibly dangerous increase in blood pressure, bleeding, heart ailments can trigger. Unnecessarily tiring the patient for non-productive, dry cough, dry organizations such as bronchitis or pleurisy triggered, this definitely is dampened. Often sufficient to mitigate the increase in atmospheric humidity. The most commonly used preparations expectorants to facilitate, accelerate the emptying of the tracheal sputum and bronchial. They increase the production of mucus and elfolyósítják sticky mucus, which in turn makes it a productive cough.
Sore throat

A sore throat létrejöttéért not always responsible for respiratory diseases. Many medical problems can be the first sign or part of a phenomenon, it is necessary for the existence of long or frequent appearance that we visit our family physician. Unpleasant symptoms are mostly upper respiratory bacterial and viral infections occur in both cases characterized by fever, chills, a sore throat and difficulty swallowing, the garatpír, tonsils detectable plaque in the neck lymph nodes, a general ill feeling, weakness , possibly nausea, and in some cases vomiting.
Definitely useful to lower fever, sore throat, relieving the various preparations, anti-inflammatory medicines, nose drops, vitamin C and use of cough ers. Do not forget you need a few days of bed rest and hydration as well. If your symptoms do not improve within a few days, consult your family doctor!

Normal body temperature is considered a temperature range of 36-37 degrees C, 38 degrees temperature elevations, above fever over 39 degrees C, we are talking about a high fever. Since the condition damages the body so it is essential to attenuation doctrine fever above 38 degrees C.
Physical lázcsillapí TASTE (cooling bath, testborogatás) is applied above 38C degrees, which can complement or replace Theta medication lázcsillapí TASTE. The aim is to reduce the body temperature is below 38 Cfok. Plant for the febrile patient body temperature during the cooling bath, bath tub filled with comfortable temperature water. Then, gradually, slowly cool in the water and allowed to 29-30 ° C (warm) temperature of the cooling is stopped, then the patient will stay in the water until it reaches the temperature of body temperature is below 38 degrees. The cooling bath may be repeated several times. Another way to lower fever in physical testborogatás. For this purpose, a mostly stale water - meet the towel with which the patient was covered from armpit to ankle - that is room temperature. Replace the compress every 10 minutes until the fever does not drop below 38 degrees. If the patient is cold, the wet sheet, you can cover with a dry sheet. More hot this does not cover the patient during the testborogatás because of the increase in temperature. The lower fever after only a thin blanket to cover the patient, or heat stagnation may occur. Drink a lot of fluids and avoid the increased mobility increased. If necessary, repeat the ázcsillapítást. Fever is an effective way of reducing the use of fever-reducing agents also take care administration, however, adhere to the instructions provided in this leaflet accurately. In order to avoid overdose should also be observed that if the agent is not found to be effective and the other is to be used, you can keep the time specified in the prospectus, before you use any other product.

Serious concern about if the patient has been symptom-free for the first time, there is a sudden onset severe headache, like long known that sometimes occurs complaint. Also, higher f igyelmet age should cause disturbed sleep or older paroxysmal, visual disturbances, changes in brain function, or seizure headache, this time is necessary to consult a doctor.
If the headache is known for its patients for many years, is intermittent and tolerable strength, successfully used in nonprescription analgesics lake making tmények, but if three times a week often occurs in pain or two daily tablets greater analgesic lake needs, be sure to seek medical advice .

During diarrhea, stool consistency looser, fluid often become mean. But several times a day, formed székletürí heating is not considered diarrhea even when next to no complaints, it is not abnormal. In the background is less potential nutritional problems requiring complex assessment and treatment is a serious disease.
Diarrhea is a disease usually 1-3 days, and in most cases self-limiting. Be careful, however, to replace the fluids will be lost, to avoid dehydration. Especially in young children, the elderly at high risk of dehydration. If you have diarrhea caused by an infection of the stomach should not apply immediately to handle agents because they inhibit the body's immune response to the pathogen quickly evacuate the body, but the second day is used intestinal antiseptic agents has pliers.

Constipation is very dry, a small amount (less than 50 g / day) or rare (greater than 48 hours interval) stools. It is suggested that the background of at least one worth checking out if you are new in constipation, it is more so. Diabetes, hormonal diseases, kidney disease, intestinal disease, etc.. necessary to exclude. However, most often caused by poor diet and lifestyle, low fluid and fiber intake.
Care should be taken in the right way of living, abundant fluid consumption, optimal nutrition (high fiber content), the importance of exercise. We know székletpuhítókat, herbs and other produce tményeket that tik help the bowel to develop, but use them with caution, because the body can adapt quickly.

Also cause the formation of unhealthy eating habits and search for the most. Some people swallow air while eating and drinking a lot, it can cause excessive gas formation in the stomach. A lot of gas is produced due to bacterial fermentation in the gut due to the many foods containing cellulose (beans, kale, armrest diol, etc), and the yeast doughs. Abnormal gas formation occurs in digestive and absorption disorders (eg, pancreatic insufficiency). Caused by lactose in milk and dairy consumption. The resulting sudden, persistent tree buffer concentration, which may be associated with other clinical symptoms (abdominal pain expressed, feces and flatus URI inability purpose, low blood pressure, shock, jaundice etc), and be sure to see a doctor to examine. Otherwise known as "banal broadcast puff" is a word that can be treated ourselves.
The baking soda considered obsolete, and use is not recommended. Concluded the stomach, but then the stomach will produce more acid. On the other hand, the stomach induce this white powder causes high gas formation, which only adds to the tension of stomach. There are now so "peaceful" drugs that bind to the stomach and reduce gas formation, enhance gastric peristalsis, in addition to all of this is that the gastrointestinal tract should not be absorbed, but locally exert their effects, and the faeces excreted unchanged. By changing the eating habits can we prevent bloating.
Travel-related diseases

Despite doing all the pre-travel medical consultation and prevention of diseases of travelers, many travelers get sick during the trip abroad. A reliable and timely access to medical care can be problematic for many destinations. As a result, use of certain medications prior to the traveler must be diagnosing and treating complaints capable own. Individual travel activities such as hiking if the remote is the only alternative to self-medication. Proper pre-travel advice really accurate self-diagnosis and treatment may result as a local health care in many developing countries.

The pre-travel medical consultation of the drug selection and application of teaching. The most important aspect of the strategy is to identify travel dates in the risk factors and teach him to be set up and choice of medication in the diagnosis of the circumstances. The key to successful self-management strategy that will help the simple definition of a disease or condition you choose medicine for the traveler.
Travellers 'diarrhea (Travelers' Diarrhea)
The earth's supply of public health. 2006th August 17

Travellers Diarrhoea (Diarrhea Travelers, TD) is the usual least twice or more times, with watery stools [12]. It is often associated with abdominal discomfort, abdominal cramps, bloating, powerful bowel movements, bowel irritation, fever and weakness. Characterized by sudden onset, either during the trip or after returning home. Sudden onset, characterized by 4-5 loose stools daily, which disappears by itself after 3-4 days. 10% of the cases it takes more than a week, 1% 1 month or longer to be delayed, depending on the pathogen. The number of patients with 25% of the 2-10% of fever and bloody stool also reported. Dominant risk factor for the destination.
The "Travelers 'diarrhea' self-healing algorithm is an example of self-medication, although certain organisms antibiotic resistance is becoming more common, and therefore the selection of empirical treatment is somewhat problematic in recent years. The most common diseases treated with regard to travel, which öngyógyítással. The success of this strategy is based on epidemiological evidence that TD is the major cause of bacterial pathogens (over 90%) of the short trips.
sudden onset of an abnormally loose, frequent stools, more than 5 within 8 hours.
Diagnosis: "Travellers 'diarrhea'
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg every 12 hours
1 result: the traveler feel better within 6-24 hours
result 2: the symptoms persist during the 24-36 hours despite treatment, seek medical attention.

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